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  5. Installation


Install via WordPress Admin (Recommended method)

  1. Login into the WordPress Admin panel of your website.
  2. From the left panel go to Plugins > Add New > Upload to install the plugin.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. Choose the file you just purchased and downloaded, make sure the file is in (.zip) format.
  5. Click Install Now & activate the plugin after installation.
Install via FTP Account

  1. To install the plugin, use your FTP software and browse to the wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Extract the main plugin file (.zip) to the folder and upload it to the server. Example, category-ajax-filter-pro.zip to the category-ajax-filter-pro folder and upload to the server.
  3. Once it’s uploaded, go to your WordPress Admin panel and Browse Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  4. Click the Activate link.
Note :- PRO plugin requires Free Version plugin activated to run properly so both plugins should be activated same time. Here you can find Free plugin if needed Download

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